My family has certain genetic tendencies. We have
strong bones because we are “pioneer stock” as my
dad used to say. Much to my dismay I never got
to wear those cool casts that all the other kids had at school and asked everyone
to sign. In fact in the 3rd grade I spent an entire semester trying
to break my arm so that I could get that coveted fashion accessory. There
wasn’t a tree I didn’t fall out of, a fence I didn’t jump off of, or a bike I
didn’t crash. No dice. The closest I ever got was a cracked nose when I got
punched in the face for calling a red-headed sixth grader “tomato head."
To offset our unusually hardy skeletal system, providence
blessed us with long ligaments which cause all kinds of dislocations, strains,
and generally obnoxious but never really exciting injuries. "Why are you limping
Brenda?" Never do I have an awesome “I fell out of a high rise” or was “I was snowmobiling in the x-games” story to tell. It is always “well, I tripped over a
sock in the laundry room” kind of thing. Seriously lame.
Another of our traits is that most of us cannot hold our pain medicine. If you give any of us a narcotic pain pill, even the lowest dose, strange things are going to happen.
Take for instance my son David. Several months ago he and a
friend decided that it would be fun to run a foot race in the pitch black dark
down a little road next to the school. What was unknown to them was that for
the first time in a millennium the school officials had closed the sturdy metal
gate at the end of the lane. David won the race and for his 1st
prize award ended up with a broken back.
In the emergency room he was a trooper and refused any
medicine until the test results came back with the diagnosis and he had to
admit it wasn’t just a pulled muscle. The doctor gave him a shot of morphine
and he immediately got a look on his face I had never seen before. “Whoa mom,
this is crazy.” Giggling then ensued. Not the manly “bwahaha” that normally
emanates from this 6 foot 200 pound kid. It sounded very much like he had been possessed
by a 6 year old girl who had just been presented with a rainbow colored unicorn
and told that she got to be princess of Wonderland for a day. He then closed
his eyes and upon opening them just a few seconds later told me about the
puppies he could see that were shooting little lasers at each other.
Dave isn’t the only one like this. My mom has been in the
hospital several times and my sister and I carry a list if the types of pain
medicine she cannot have. If she gets the wrong stuff she enters a whole other
dimension. One night I came to her hospital room as she was in the process of
climbing out of bed so that she could go “get on the tractor” she was convinced
was in the closet. Apparently the ground in that closet was in desperate need
of being cultivated and they only way to keep her from her chores was to tell
her the bed was farm truck that needed to be worked on.
I knew these facts about my family members but never dreamed
I was in the same league. Several years ago my back suddenly decided it was
going to walk out, contract negotiations with its daily grind coming to a standstill. Unexpectedly I woke
up one morning and it had gone on strike. After coming to the conclusion that I
couldn’t crawl to work or take care of my babies from a fetal position on the
floor my sister talked me into going to the ER to get checked out.
When we arrived a couple of nice nurses peeled me out of the
car and wheeled my groaning and moaning invalid carcass into an examination
room. I heard a lady in the hall say “oh that poor thing is she very far into
her labor?” Insult added to injury I managed to get myself up on the table so a
doctor could come tell me the obvious.
“Your back is out” was his professional opinion. Dang it, I
could have told myself that and spent the $300 I paid him on shoes. He then
told me that they were going to give me a shot to “take the edge off.” I was
looking for more than the edge of that agony to disappear but beggars can’t be
The nurse came back in and gave me an injection which
immediately made me feel like my face was melting off. “Whoa, this is crazy” I
said to my sister. I lay there on my back in a state of euphoria mixed with macaroni
and cheese, or something like that. As I contemplated the ceiling tiles
directly in my gaze I noticed that they began to move. Much like train tracks
going by they increased in speed until they were just a blur. I could even hear
the train whistle calling to me from time to time.
“Do you see that?” I asked my bemused sis. “And another
thing Evonne, I love you. I really, really, love you like a whole lot. Like, I
never knew how much I just really love you. And I love this table, it is such a
nice and beautiful table.”
I’m not sure how long that all lasted but eventually my trip
to the 1960’s ended and they sent me home. After that experience I found that I
could understand how people might be tempted to re-enact that type of thing for
fun in their living rooms and become addicted to it.
As temporarily amusing as it was there was something very
troubling about not being able to control my thoughts and actions. I was very
grateful for the wisdom of my parents and church leaders who warned me in my
youth of the dangers of illegal drug consumption. Without them I could have
very possibly made some decisions early on that would have seriously altered my
life course and caused me and my family untold heartache.
People in my family are lightweights when it comes to
chemicals. It’s good to know our weaknesses and even better to know how to
avoid falling into actions that exploit those weaknesses. Pain killers are a
blessing as long as they are used under the direction of a doctor. I believe
that God gives us access to things like that to help us when truly needed, but as
with all things there can be too much of a good thing and that is just as
destructive as the really bad stuff in life.
So will I take the meds the next time my back deserts me?
Yes, but carefully and only as little as will do the job. My closet can wait
for it’s next cultivation.
How do you do this??? I am crying. CRYING! On a side note, Benedryl makes me do stuff like that. It's hysterical to everyone but me.