For this momentous occasion he will be having a “sweet sixteen” party.
(Ok, I'll admit, he isn’t calling it that but his mother most certainly is!) After doing
a little research on what is expect of a modern sweet sixteen party I found
that my pocketbook as well as my heart were going into cardiac arrest. It seems
that to be considered a responsible parent these days a sweet sixteen party must
include the following.
- The rental of the hottest nightclub in the area
- A live performance by Cee Lo Green
- Limo service for Dave and all his friends to and from the club
- A finger food buffet of truffles and gold plated Big Macs
- A fireworks display that will make the 4th of July Spectacular in Washington D.C. pale in comparison
- A performance by the troupe from Cirque du Soleil
- Live tigers to ride around the party
- A bounce house made out of money
All of these requirements were
going to be a little hard to come by since neither Buns nor I are secret millionaires,
not to mention as far as I know Cee Lo's schedule is booked.
When I informed Dave that we were
not going to be able to pull off the above list he just looked at me with a gaze
I know well, the “mom, you are a lunatic” expression. “Why would I want any of that anyway?” was his
Instead he opted for a BBQ with his
friends and video games. What a great kid. It’s something I’ve always known.
Sixteen years ago, after 14 hours of the most painful experience of my life, the doctor gave me a 10 pound 4 oz. tank of a baby boy to hold for the first time. That moment was one of the most influential spiritual experiences I have ever had. His personality and the power of his spirit impacted me in an incredible way. I knew that he was special. Heavenly Father had saved him to come down just at that time because he was going to be courageous and make a huge impact on the world he lived in. I knew it just as I knew that we had an enormous responsibility as his parents to make sure that we taught him correct principles. If we would love him, and do our job something great was going to happen.
I had this experience three other
times as Andrew, Bella, and Sam made their way into the world.
I have already seen the strength that
is in the youth of this generation. David and his siblings are the only
members of the church in their school and they field questions, comments, and
sometimes bigotry in an awesome way. They are good examples to their friends
and have already had an influence on the people around them. Kids know not to
swear and talk about inappropriate behavior in front of them. They make this
happen in a non-judgmental way and explain matter-of-factly why it isn’t a good
idea. They’ve helped others to know they are valued children of their Heavenly
They aren’t perfect but on the
whole they are so much stronger and better than I was at their age. They have understanding
of truth that absolutely blows my mind some days. I’m proud of them and blessed
to be their mother.
As of tomorrow David will be
embarking on the ability to drive, and date. Buns and I are sending him to the
edge of the nest and watching him take off on his first solo flights. I know he’ll
do great. He will mess up and have to make corrections from time to time but I
have great expectations for he and his siblings because I know who they are
and where they really come from.
So happy birthday David, you’re an
incredible kid with far more potential than you can possibly know. We love you and always will.
“I wish we could promise you that
the world will be safer and easier for you than for us, but we cannot make that
promise, for just the opposite is true . . . Your challenge is much greater than
was ours. Few of us would trade places with you . . .
But, oh, what a wonderful time to
be young! You have knowledge of many more things than we needed to have. It is
my conviction that your generation is better and stronger than was ours—better
in many ways! I have faith that you young men and young women can meet the
world on its own terms and conquer it!
You are a child of God. He is the
father of your spirit. Spiritually you are of noble birth, the offspring of the
King of Heaven. Fix that truth in your mind and hold to it. However many
generations in your mortal ancestry, no matter what race or people you
represent, the pedigree of your spirit can be written on a single line. You are
a child of God!” (President Boyd K. Packer).
You are such an amazing mom. You really are. Can I send my brood down to you for summer vacation? Love you!