As a kid I was a slob. My room usually looked like the
aftermath of when an F4 tornado goes through a Piggly Wiggly. Rock collections, books, wrappers, stuffed
animals, clothes, you name it, and it was on the floor. It was dangerous to
enter without climbing gear and there were times my mom would send in search
and rescue teams in to find me amid the rubble. This situation although highly
upsetting to my mother, didn’t even register as an issue for me. I was
perfectly happy in my mess and didn’t see any logical reason to clean it up,
other than the fact that there seemed to be a lot of threatenings about it
issuing from my maternal parental unit.
This lack of organization spilled into other areas of my
life like school, where just about every report card had notes on it like this:
“Brenda is bright; she just isn’t applying herself and isn’t prepared for
class. Lots of papers seem to go missing.” Groundings would ensue and life just
wasn’t very happy because of my slobbiness.
Then sometime in early adulthood reality dawned on me; being
neat and organized makes life easier. You can accomplish so much more when you
aren’t always endlessly searching for things like they were buried treasure.
Not only that, but once children enter the scene if you aren’t organized and
have your house up to par life comes grinding to a halt for everyone.
Organization is the antidote to most types of frustration. If only my 12 year old self had known this!
Now I’m no Martha Stuart but if the house is a mess I can’t
relax until it is cleaned up. To help with our busy schedule I created a chore
chart that rotates the daily jobs from person to person. If it is followed the
house is taken care of and stuff gets done when it is supposed to.
Homework, check.
Baths, check.
Family prayer and scripture study, check.
Dishes, dogs fed, living room straitened, check.
With everyone doing their part we operate effectively and
efficiently and stress levels go down. When we don’t follow the framework
things start to fall apart.
I say to the kids, “if you love me then please stick to the
chore chart! If you want me a sane and happy mama, instead of a raving maniac
who is overwhelmed by the enormous amount of work our family has to get done
each week then please, for the love of Pete, do your chores!”
Luckily, I have quite a wonderful family who in most cases
follows the framework and views their mother’s mini-meltdowns with humor. What
I had not realized was that this is exactly what the Lord is asking us to do by
following the commandments. Obviously He isn’t like me but what He has done is
set up a way for the human family to work efficiently and effectively in a way
that takes care of everyone in the best possible way. It allows for growth and
love, and it allows for tremendous amounts of work to get done without burying
anyone. In the same way that I set up a chore chart for my family to reduce
stress, conflict, and help us move forward, He has done the same thing only in
a much more perfect form.
Think of what the world would be like if everyone followed
the Ten Commandments. Families would be happy, war would not exist, people
would take care of one another, and trust would abound. It would be an absolute
paradise. Then add the Sermon on the
Mount and latter-day revelation about the plan of salvation. That is what heaven
is. It’s just family working together, following the chart because they love
the Lord and He loves them.
That’s it.
“If ye love me keep my commandments.” It is simple and beautiful
and hands down the way we will be the most productive, happy, and able to navigate
the turmoil of this world. Now if I could just go back and teach the twelve-year-old
me this.
"The foundational principles of the
gospel of Jesus Christ can affect our life’s direction for good, if only we
will apply them." -Dieter F.
Uchtdorf, "Of Regrets and Resolutions",
Liahona and Ensign, November 2012
P.S. The main idea for this post was brazenly stolen from a phenomenal talk given by our Relief Society President last week, although I don't think she mentioned the Piggly Wiggly... I just like saying it. Try it. Piggly Wiggly. :)
I've always wanted to go to a Piggly Wiggly, just so I could say later, "Hey, I stopped by the Piggly Wiggly today..." Sigh. Someday.